Monday, November 24, 2008

Oh yeah, by the way...

My friend, just some stuff I forgot to mention when we talked but wanted you to know:
  1. I'm sorry this happened too and I know it wasn't my fault - still feels that way though.
  2. That voice is getting softer each day.
  3. I really am working on it as fast as I can.
  4. Why didn't I just think of letting go since I am having such a good time now ? (That one may be a bit harsh. ..yeah well rape ain't for the faint of heart).
  5. I don't always know what I need or how to ask.
  6. Kids still don't know so please be careful around them.
  7. I am wounded but not fragile.
  8. I am still ME.
  9. I do talk about other things and am interested in you (well, as much as I always was and yes, I see the smirking)
  10. I'll let you know if I need an alibi.
  11. It is getting better.

I wanted to say the last one again - it is getting better. I realized that all these posts are pretty angsty which is completely appropriate and fucking understandable. I only write when I'm trying to sort out the intense stuff. Funny, I don't find intense happy stuff as confusing.

I'm hacking away as I make my way through this jungle. The words seem to be the debris from that journey. The path is getting clearer and clearer everyday.

Thanks everyone for backing me up.

One last thing - fuck him.


the princess said...

definately--fuck him! good call.

glad to know that you are working through it day by day.

Anonymous said...

you are going to beat it.
I know you will.

Fuck him, amen sista

Jennybean said...

keep fighting chica- this is your battle to win!

~*Jobthingy*~ said...

indeed.. fuck him..

baby steps sweetie.. baby steps

nitebyrd said...

Do what's right for you. Write what you feel and ask the questions that are important to you. Go at your own pace. You definitely will get past this.

Yeah, I agree with everyone else - fuck him!

dangergirl said...
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dangergirl said...

dangergirl said...
Thanks everyone. It is comforting to know we are all on the same page :DD

Happy holidays.

Big hug,

Mariah said...

Keep on talking about it... It helps

Another Suburban Mom said...

You can make it. I see you traveling to the other side. I am also sure that your blog is helping others.


dangergirl said...

Mariah - thx and I agree that is does help to give voice to what happened. I appreciate your support.

ASM - it's sometimes hard to tell if I'm moving forward or not. Your validation really make my day today:)


Lil Brat said...

You have every right to get angsty about this. I can't imagine what you are going through but remember, I'm willing to help you deal with him! Fuck him is right.