Sunday, November 9, 2008

Life goes on...

Here's the deal - life has to go on. I know that and am working hard at continuing to move forward. I've had a great weekend - very busy. Mmmm, wonder if the whole "busy" thing was a wonderful distraction which made for a great weekend. Nice to see those boring psych classes I took in college actually paying off.

Really, it is nice that I kept "it" in the background for awhile and didn't let it contaminate everything. Seems like the sounds/images seep into my head as the night goes on.

That sucks.

Luckily I have chocolate and diet coke. Oh yeah, 1000 channels with nothing on also helps - at least I have a variety of shit to bore me. Wow - forgot about TiVo.

Still sucks but not as much...silver-fucking-lining moment.

I was still raped 27 days ago.

He is such an asshole - maybe I'll tell him one day.

Just not today.


Anonymous said...

27 days ago????????

dangergirl said...

ditto SS. wtf is right.

the princess said...

keep the distractions coming. it'll make it so the images/thoughts of it aren't at the forefront so much.

hope you enjoyed your chocolate and diet coke as well...a l'il sugar never hurt any woman.

dangergirl said...

I completely agree Princess. I made sure it was dark chocolate which is good 4 the heary so I am actually eating healthy ;))
