So, it was rape according to the counselor today. Seems to me that if counselors at 2 crisis center said it was sexual assault then it was although South Carolina called it sexual assault and Georgia called it rape. Yeah, that loophole isn't working for me either.
I want to drink or rather just have a moment of peace from this. I don't see any way to achieve that right now. I don't think I can meet God's expectations right now - can't see how I will deal with this. Been a long time since I felt like this.
Guess God thought I needed a new experience :) It really isn't funny but then again, inappropriate humor never hurt anyone.
People keep asking me how they can help. How can they ? I don't know. It seems like things are moving in slow motion right now...very odd. I don't feel crazy, just like I am moving/thinking in very slow motion. I wonder if I will completely slow down and just shut down. That would be nice.
It would be exceedingly dangerous but nice. I'm not going to start up again if I get to that shut down place - peace is there.
How attractive is that I ask you ?!!
This I do know :
- I was a raped ergo I am a rape victim.
- When does that change to rape survivor ?
- It wasn't my fault. Doesn't change anything.
- CONSENT is the magic ingredient that determines which category this falls into.
- I have no idea what to do now.
- The place I am in is very quiet and I can't see/hear anyone else.
- My head keeps moving and replaying it since there is no distraction.
- I'm not very good company for me right now.
- I am tired.
- I still can't eat. Rape is an effective diet tool (come on - I am smiling a bit at that).
- Nothing seems real to me.
- This is the truth.
- Now you know
- I really don't care right now. Thinking things through like a drink/drug/etc is useless. I JUST DON'T CARE.
- Apparently that is not the right answer - guess I need to work on the 3rd step or maybe the 11th.
- Yessirree Bob, I'm just not working my program well enough...just ask someone in AA.
- It doesn't matter.
- I know I matter - I just don't feel it.
- I quit drinking way too soon.
- This isn't a drinking problem. It's a feeling problem.
- I am desperate to NOT feel right now. I just need a break to catch my breath.
- Is that too much to ask ? See, a perfect illustration of the whole "can't meet God's expectations" thing.
- My family can't know - I am the responsible parent.
- I am tired.
- I haven't been a victim as an adult before. I am now.
- I don't know what to do to stop the descent into nothingness.
- I'm not sure I want to.
- Jesus, I really sound depressed.
- Will I be okay ? Can I be okay ?
Been a long time since I have asked myself that question.
I'm not sure I want to be okay.
Writing this all out is sure to help, there are a lot of supportive people out there...
Yeah, there are. What a gift:D
it's good to have time alone, but try to trust in the core friends in your life. you may be surprised at who will be your best support.
Thx princess - I have and I do. Feeling pretty blessed by that.
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